Madison was born to be a gymnast. There is no doubt about that. She is doing amazing and after only 4 months in the pre-k advance class she was invited to be part of a higher level team called Hot Shots. She has been waiting for that opportunity and she was dreaming of the possibility of moving up and she finally did. She has been doing amazing and she has wasted no time at all and has done so much more now that she has moved up. She can now do.. pullovers, back hip circles, squat ons on bars, press handstands, handstands, tic tocs (handstand to bridge to bridge kickovers), bridge kickovers, back walkovers, front limbers, cartwheels on beam, cartwheels, round-offs, she is working on RO to Back handsprings and working on front walkovers, working on kips as well. I cannot believe how awesome she is doing and she loves it more than anything. She still has a couple of years before she can compete but we look forward when she can finally do so. Her coaches are amazing and she loves them so much. Kathy has been her coach for almost 2 years and Madison just loves her so much. Kathy and Madison are without a doubt the dinamic duo. She loves her Kathy more than anything and she also says she is gonna marry her handsome son Trey :) Keep up the good work Maddy! You are doing amazing!