As you all know Paige, Jelly Bean and Bemma moved to Texas. Before they left Kim did a photoshoot with all the girls. The pictures turned out amazing and we are truly blessed to have them in our lives. We miss you and love you Shepherd girls!
This is the Larson Family Blog!
We are a happy family of 6. Matt and I have been married for almost 8 years and together for almost 10, we have 4 wonderful kids.. our little gymnast Madison is almost 5 years old, Matthew our baby angel is almost 3 years old and he is in heaven, our little princess Melanie who is now 2 years old and our newest addition to our family McKenna who is almost 5 months old! As you can see we are busy parents of 3 girls. We are excited to share our life and pictures with all of you!
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