Thursday, September 18, 2008

Madison flips for gymnastics!

She started her new class with the head coach Miss Kathy. They had a pretty big class because aparently some kids are ready to move up in age group so this week and next the class was going to be bigger than normal. She had class in the big gym finally just what she wanted. Nana and Pops went to see her too. They worked on trampoline this week and she did a back flip all by herself!! No help at all! A full back flip!!!!!
After class I went downstairs to pick her up and Miss Kathy told me that Madison did just amazing. She told me that Maddy listens so good and that she definitely has the talent for gymnastics. I asked Maddy if she told Miss Kathy that she had tickets to go see Shawn Johnson and Miss Kathy told Maddy that she was going to be there too. So all of the sudden Maddy started jumping up and down screaming.. I wanna see Shawn Johnson!! I wanna see Shawn Johnson.. Miss Kathy said that she just couldnt get over Madison hehehe that she just loved her!
So I can definitely see Maddy staying with her for a looooong time. She loved her new class and her new coach!