Friday, May 29, 2009

Madison got a real gymnastics medal! and a few more updates

Madison is almost 4. Its surreal even saying it out loud. She is definitely not a baby, toddler or anything close. She is a big girl now. She is doing great. Maddy is definitely a ball full of energy. She knows all her numbers, letters, etc. She has been able to read a few things, she can write her name, my name, her dad's name and she is working on her sister's name. She is very smart and very happy little girl. She is doing beyond amazing at gymnastics. Its amazing what she has learned in the last year. On August 4th it will be a year since she started. Miss Kathy is just the most amazing coach I could ask for Maddy. She loves Kathy so much and they make such a good duo. Maddy got a real medal a few weeks ago!  Cheryl and Sarah (sarah is an amazing level 8 at Aerials) and Cheryl (Sarah's mom) is the sweetest girl ever!.. they gave me a medal that belongs to Sarah for Madison. How sweet is that. I cannot thank them enough. Kathy and I made a plan of giving it to Maddy when she could do her bridge kickover by herself. Well.. she did it. Kathy asked Maddy to close her eyes and she put the medal on Maddy. Well.. pictures speak for themselves. She was beyond excited. She wears the medal all day at home. Thank you Sarah and Cheryl so much for the medal and thank you Kathy for everything you do for her!!  She wants for her birthday a real gymnastics warm up (which we bought already just dont tell her) with jewels and her name on it (pretty fancy) and she wants to wear her real medal for her birthday and she asked her dad for flowers so she can march in to her party hahaha.  She is now taking also class with Mr Zac. Madison loves Mr Zac (he is another team coach for level 8), once Maddy starts advance she will have Zac one day and Kathy the other.. so now she has both coaches.. Kathy on wednesday and Zac on tuesday. She loves it.  
She is also done with school!.. she goes back to preschool on September 4th. We are looking forward summer and once she goes back to preschool she will be in the butterfly class. She is so excited!  Thats it for updates on Maddy. She is so cute and she is getting so big!